Our Mission

There is a shift starting to happen on our planet and we are excited to be part of it.

Our Why

We are witnessing a shift on our planet right now. It’s a shift from outsourcing responsibility for things in our lives to insourcing those things. People are yearning to be more self-sufficient, to take back control of their lives and to reconnect with mother earth. 

Our What

We aim to deliver high quality and affordable physical products to empower individuals to help themselves become self sufficient.

Our What

Beyond simply supplying medicinal cannabis GrowKits we also as a business want to experiment with re-defining how a business can be run. Instead of building an organization that solely enriches the people at the top we want to share the proceeds of business with those who are motivated to partner with us. How this looks in reality will be determined through collaboration with a community of growers and seekers.

Why Cannabis

Everywhere that medicinal cannabis is legalised the consumption of alcohol and pharmaceutical drugs drops considerably.

Cannabis isn’t new, it’s been used medicinally for 5,000 years, and we are in the early stages of a modern day renaissance re-discovering all that this plant has to offer.

From the mental health benefits for adults to the physical health benefits of juicing cannabis for cancer and immune disorders the possibilities are vast and research has only begun. Of the 66+ cannabinoids bio-available to us from the plant our knowledge is predominately centred around 2: THC and CBD. It’s early days.

Let’s get started.

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