Why Grow? (or not!)

Growing your own medicinal cannabis isn’t suitable for everyone.
Is it right for you though?  
If your situation aligns with one of these categories of cannabis consumer/grower then chances are growing could be a good fit for you:

The Patient

sustainably and affordably access natural plant medicine
  • You have a condition that could be treated, managed, improved or healed through medically guided cannabis consumption in volume
  • You want to start juicing the whole plant which requires having access to the whole plant (see our article on the benefits of juicing here)
  • You can’t afford to use cannabis as medicine through legal retail store channels
  • How can I use it as medicine? (juicing, combusting, orally)Where can I get prescriptions?

The Caregiver

help a loved one access natural plant medicine they otherwise may not have been able to access
  • You have a loved one or community member that could benefit greatly from medicinal cannabis but either cannot afford it and/or cannot grow it.  
  • You are able to grow medicine for them with a home-growing kit like ours.
  • You want to grow for The Patient in your life

The Entrepreneur

legally grow high value plants for sale/barter in your area
  • You are able to legally sell the crop that you grow (in your jurisdiction) and/or products you make from your crop (tinctures, oils, edibles, juice)
  • You would have the ability to grow THC or CBD dominant strains and/or hemp (CBD-like cannabis strain)
  • You would like to grow plants that produce essential oils for selling (aromatherapy)
  • You aspire to open your own commercial cultivation business and you need to start somewhere
  • Consult your local laws before selling any products (and their byproducts) grown in your tent

The Athlete

reduce inflammation and connect with your body
  • You put your body through it’s paces and various forms of cannabis help it to recover fast and reduce pain / inflammation
  • You use cannabis to help you form a deeper connection to your physical body to improve performance
  • Your body is your temple and you want to grow the “strain for you” while knowing everything that went  into it (water, nutrients, light) and what didn’t go into it (herbicides, pesticides, fungicides).

The Power User

save money and appreciate higher quality bud
  • You consume cannabis all day long every day and the costs add up
  • Your cannabis vendor may be expensive or very affordable but either way growing your own is the most economical option
  • You consume enough cannabis that the source and quality of that cannabis becomes a health factor
  • You are a cannabis connoisseur (or cannasseur) and realize the potential to grow high quality cannabis indoors with full control over all your inputs
  • You are able

The Gardener

grow cannabis, food (vegetables), herbs (for cooking and essential oils), and companion plants all year round
  • You love growing plants / gardening and would enjoy being able to do it year round
  • Your household has members that would like to grow a collection of different plants for different reasons
  • You believe in being as self sufficient as possible

Still here?

Here are a few common issues we hear that may be reasons why growing at home may not be suitable for you:
You don’t have space in your apartment or house for a 4’x4’x7’ sized tent
You don’t have a space that can be easily maintained at room temperature (it’s either too hot or too cold) for whatever reason
You are on well water without any water filtration (a good water filter or reverse osmosis setup solves this)
Your electricity cost is too high (the whole system uses under 1000W but runs 12-18hours daily)
Logistical reasons growing may not be for you
You are not able to attend to your plants regularly (growing is like owning a dog, your plants)


The two most common issues that hold people back from growing their own medicinal cannabis are:
  • Believing growing is difficult
  • Not knowing where to begin to assemble a home growing kit

But these shouldn’t stop you. Check out the benefits below:


Power users rejoice.

Growing your own cannabis is by far the most economical source of the plant and it’s extracts. Annual operational growing costs of the kit with recommended nutrients and grow medium produce flower at a cost of CAD$0.5/gram (CAD$14/ounce). The typical cost to buy flower in the marketplace ranges from CAD$5/g to CAD$17/g (plus tax).

So how expensive does that make the active ingredient (THC/CBD) in some common cannabis products (processing cost not included)?

  • CAD$3.50 per 1000mg of CBD in a bottle of CBD oil
  • CAD$0.25 per pre-roll joint I can share with my new friends
  • CAD$0.04 per 10mg edible product (chocolate, gummies)


It’s a weed. It’s going to grow.

Humans have been growing cannabis for millenia and doing it indoors successfully for decades. We are dramatically simplifying the learning curve for first time growers by providing online tutorial videos, written instructions and 1-on-1 coaching with our GrowGurus.

We have done all the thinking and planning for you so you just need to follow the instructions and reap the rewards.


Combustible. Ingestible.

With the use of some simple and affordable pieces of equipment you may already have you can easily extract oil from your harvest at your home to use in making end products you are currently using.


Use all parts of the plant, not just the flower. Make anti-inflammatory tea from the roots and use the leaves in salads/smoothies for the same benefits. Alternatively juice the entire plant including the flower.

Reliability / Consistency

Heat management


Trade your flower with other growers in your community. Learn from and teach other growers as you go along. Meet up with local growers to compare notes and strategies.

Privacy and Security

Just because it’s legal doesn’t mean everyone needs to know.

The kit is shipped in discreetly unmarked boxes so nobody knows what you are bringing into your home.

Safely grow indoors all year round without worry for theft outdoors.

Any potential odour from the plant is absorbed by the carbon filter in the kit

Quality / Consistency

Grow organically in your own home without the use of pesticides.

Start from

Get Specific

Grow the cannabis strain your doctor has prescribed for your condition/genetics or simply grow your favourite.

Or what you are already using (your favourite).

Still not sure?

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